Higher Ed
Improve Student Retention and Build Student Engagement

Remember that lecture that stuck with you? Or the book you studied in college that changed the trajectory of your life? Hasan is passionate about helping you with strategies to retain your multicultural students. He travels to colleges and universities across the country, sharing his story with students and providing staff development to faculty.
Who This is For:
Director of Multicultural Centers interested in providing faculty, staff and students with diverse cultural opportunities
Faculty looking for first person narratives of success to spur discussion in class
Admissions and student support staff seeking to increase recruitment and retention of African American students
Student organizations seeking a dynamic speaker for student events
Services Offered
Living History Character Performance
Bring students, staff, and the community together for an engaging and inspiring one-man show highlighting a little-known African American historical figure. Hasan also highlights his experience successfully navigating post-secondary education with his struggles and learning disabilities.
Professional Development
Hasan will train your faculty in strategic ways to support African American students so that they succeed and thrive in college.
Bulk Discount on Books
Several college professors have used Hasan's book, Written Off, as part of their curriculum. Learn how you can use his book in the classroom.