Who is Hasan Davis?
Author, Trainer, Performer, Youth Advocate, Hope Dealer
Hasan Davis combines his talents as an author, trainer, and performer to provide multi-day or virtual events around his books to schools, conferences, and universities. He is in high demand as a conference speaker and trainer for positive youth engagement, staff development and leadership.
How do we ensure that every child achieves their greatest potential?
This question lies at the heart of the national dialogue on education and juvenile justice policy.
It is the foundation for the day-in and day-out work of teachers and youth development specialists and it is core to the hopes and dreams of every parent. Central to this is how we succeed with ALL children, including those who are facing the most serious barriers to success: poverty, violence, trauma, disabilities and low expectation.
I help leaders to develop
the next generation of young people.
I create hope dealers.
I inspire leaders to see themselves as pivotal change agents in the development of youth.
I provide them with the tools they need to engage, encourage, and empower the youth in their communities.
I do this by ensuring:
young people have hope and resilience
educators have the capacity to support and build resilience in young people
organizations do their work in ways that children and youth are at the center and by living out their mission to serve kids

Written Off
Written Off is the culmination of a lifetime of love and lessons that have shaped Hasan's personal journey from a young man in crisis to a champion for children. It has been used in college social work courses, in higher education first year initiative programs, and in reading groups for alternative school staff.
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What People Are Saying
"Today you made me think that me and my life has a purpose. I have never really thought much of myself but today you changed everything. I would like to give you my thanks, so THANK YOU!!! You are a really inspiring guy."
Justin C. | Student
"Thank you so much for that amazing speech. It really hit me because like you when you were my age, I have the same trouble. I’m from Detroit, MI, and I have been through all the same things you went through. I thought fighting was the only way out, but it got me in lots of trouble with friends, family, and the police. Like you I changed, I have become a new girl. Thank you for showing me I’m not alone."
Julie S. | Age 14, Detroit, MI
"I’ll admit that when I walked into that gym I was prepared to snooze the hour away while some guy stood on stage and droned on and on about morals and doing well in school. However, let me assure you, I didn’t sleep a wink with you up there. Something got through to me: DON’T BE AFRAID TO BE DIFFERENT, you do what is right and you can never lose. Thank you."
Melissa L. | Student